If you have bought a hosting plan and you’ve got some queries regarding a concrete feature/function, or if you have stumbled upon some issue and you need support, you should be able to touch base with the respective client service team. All web hosts deploy a ticketing system regardless of whether they provide other means of contacting them along with it or not, because of the fact that the fastest way to solve an issue most often is to open a ticket. This form of correspondence makes the responses exchanged by both parties easy to track and permits the client support engineers to escalate the issue if, for instance, an admin should intervene. Typically, the ticketing system isn’t directly connected to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you must use at least 2 separate accounts to contact the customer support staff and to actually administer the hosting space. Incessantly switching from one account to another might often be a nuisance, not to mention the fact that it requires a long period of time for most web hosting companies to answer the ticket requests themselves.